Métiers du Numérique, de l'Ingénierie, du Conseil, des Sondages et Etudes de Marché, des Foires et Salons (dits "Syntec")

When they reached the Temple and found the Scythe, however, Anck-Su-Namun knew that Imhotep would force her into being subservient to him and betrayed him, taking the Scythe for herself. Nega Scott | The Scorpion King: Sword of Osiris: Menthu Shortly after her death, Imhotep was ordered to, along with his priests, perform the funeral services of the concubine, casting spells on the corpse that condemned her soul and burying her remains at Hamunaptra, ordering the slaves present to bury the body, and be killed as they were systematically killed by the soldiers present. However Imhotep was firm in his decision to fight the Scorpion King all the same. He abducts Evelyn Carnahan with the intention of using her as a sacrifice. Remembering their previous encounter, he tells her that everyone makes their own destiny and to enjoy her's before walking away, much to her extreme dismay, leaving her to scream out in sadness at the thought of her being trapped forever. Despicable Me Villains | Dr. Seuss Villains | The Asset | Time passed and the cultists boarded a train bound for Karnak, which also transported the three thieves that were hired to retrieve the Bracelet of Anubis. Anck-Su-Namun being devoured by a horde of carnivorous scorpions. In one flashback, it is revealed that Evelyn is the reincarnation of Nefertiti, the daughter of the same pharaoh to whom Anck-Su-Namun was betrothed and murdered. Imhotep (1932) | Evelyn and Anck-Su-Namun watched as their lovers called for them. Ancient Egyptian Nightmare Train | Herb Overkill | Grace Ferrin | Brooke | Eleanor Crisp | Crimes Roger Wilson | Giant Skeleton | Origin However, during one of their struggles, the others use mirrors to reflect the energy discharges back to allow them to hit her, knocking her out temporarily. She was quickly submerged again, her cries growing fainter all the while until only her left hand was left sticking limply in the air. 8 | Illumination Villains | Anck-Su-Namun is a cowardly idiotically and manipulative woman who only cared about her beauty. Shane | The Infected | Louis Kiet | She began an affair with the High Priest of Osiris, Imhotep, which was forbidden because no other men were allowed to touch her. Chip Rockefeller | Tao Tei (Tao Tei Queen) | Her youth is well documented in the ancient reliefs and paintings of the reign of her parents. Agatha Prenderghast | The scorpions instantly swarmed her, submerging her beneath them. Sur le point de se rendre Maître de Thèbes, Mathayus se fait voler son âme par A… Il se servait de ses ennemis pour construire la Grande Muraille, puis lorsqu'ils mourraient ou ne servaient plus à rien, l'empereur les jetait dans les fondations de sa muraille. Forest God | Sargon | j'aime beaucoup l'actrice dp8 son apparition dans le film le jaguar aux cotés de jean reno et patrick bruel, anck su namun ds la momie. Warlords | Robert Dewey | Be resurrected by Imhotep following her suicide. Kick-Ass Villains | Jim Hudson | Wolfman (2010) | Jason Bourne Villains | Clay | The Scorpion King: Book of Souls: Nebserek | Khensa | Mennofer Family Here, the blasphemous priest used the forbidden Book of the Dead to try and resurrect her, but was unaware that he had been followed by the Medjai. Count Dracula (1931) | 17 déc. When the affair was discovered by Seti l, she helped murder him and committed suicide. As Pharaoh's concubine, she was most frequently seen in coats of gold and black body paint - not as a personal choice, but as a security measure taken by the Pharaoh Seti I to ensure that no other man could touch her without leaving proof. Order of the Coagula | Directed by Stephen Sommers. Gerald Rainier | Voir les commentaires. Sir Godfrey | Imhotep returned to his full state, he kissed Meela deeply, and soon after, stopped to catch Alex, who had attempted to escape. Moe | Mr. Hyde (2017) | Twitch | Before she could finish her off, however, Imhotep scooped her and Colin Weasler away to safety, seeing that the Lake was about to disappear. Miss Sharon Stone | She was the third of six known daughters of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten and his Great Royal Wife Nefertiti and became the Great Royal Wife of her half-brother Tutankhamun. Bayfield Babyface Killer | New Founding Fathers of America | The full and passionate kiss of Anck-Su-Namun and Imhotep. Librement inspiré du film La momie datant de 1932, cette nouvelle adaptation dépoussière la version avec Boris Karloff tout en conservant quelques éléments du scénario original comme le cadre historique des années 20 ou l’histoire d’amour entre Imhotep et Anck-Su-Namun. Papa Lazarou | After her resurrection, she also possessed magical powers similar to those of Imhotep. Jason Volta | Niju | Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Occupation Fredrick Zoller | Madame Mousey | Grey Werewolf | On l'a revue ensuite dans Beowulf (1999) avec Christophe Lambert et Rhona Mitra, mais surtout dans La Momie (1999) de Stephen Sommers, où elle incarne la maîtresse d'Imhotep, Ankh Su Namun. Kissing Imhotep and planning dark schemes with him. Imhotep attempted this, going as far as stealing the book of the dead, and nearly succeeded in returning Anck-Su-Nanum's soul to her body, but was stopped before the ritual was complete, and her soul returned to the afterlife. Krampus' Toys | Br'er Fox | Imhotep then summoned up a great tidal wave of water with his powers, which caught Anck-Su-Namun, along with the other cultists watching the phenomenon, by surprise. Demon Overlord | InGen Contractor | Wyatt Frame | Robert the Terrible | Deathgrippers | Arlo Sabian | Nuk, Yak, and Sumac | Tough Guy Leader | The Mummy Dr. Gregory Butler | Lydia, Kitty, and Tuesday | The Scorpion King 4: Quest for Power: Drazen | Boris | Roland Boris Badenov (2000) | When the temple of the Scorpion King begins to be sucked into Hell, both Rick and Imhotep are caught hanging from a precipice overlooking the inferno with debris crashing down around them. Hans Landa | Gideon Gordon Graves | Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Sylvester Smirch | Dieter Hellstrom | Elle reprend son rôle (plus conséquent) dans la suite sortie en 2001, Le Retour de la momie, toujours aux côtés des acteurs Brendan Fraser et Rachel Weisz. Anck-Su-Namun panicked and lost her balance, falling into the pit where she met her final demise when the scorpions suffocated and stung her. Evil Minions | Foy | Sergeant Botnick | Gunther | Frank Butterman | Type of Villain DaggerSaisSpear Adolf Hitler | Queen Barb | Cat R. Waul | Affiliation(s) Even though she does have feelings for Imhotep, that didn't stop her from leaving him to die in the Underworld simply to save herself. Stephanie Butler | Big Alice | Whilst passing through one of the corridors, they find Anck-Su-Namun trapped within a wall. When she touches Alex, however, the Manacle shields his life energy from her, causing the energies from that and the ring to rebound in all directions and knocking her back. Klaus | Frank Lopez | Christopher Sullivan | Garden of Eyes | Latest appearance Cornetto Trilogy Villains | Deckard Shaw | Werner Rachtman | Au fur et à mesure que la momie dévore les membres de l’équipe, Imhotep fait trembler l’Egypte et le monde entier. Graboids | The Thing (1951) | Donny | Toxic-Mega Cunts (Mother Russia, Black Death, Genghis Carnage, Javier, The Tumor, & Goggles) | Pygmies | Dwergi | Height Chip Hazard | Balthazar Bratt | The soldiers themselves were murdered by the priests so as to ensure that the location of Hamunaptra would remain secret forever. Ahmanet | Owen Shaw | Using this past knowledge to her advantage, Meela Nais assisted a nefarious cult that had the goal of resurrecting Imhotep so as to take control of the powers that were said to come from kil… Indominus rex | Grumpy (2009) | As the two fought, Anck-Su-Namun took a pair of twin blades from a nearby statue and slashed Jonathan in the chest. Robert | Before Anck-Su-Namun's true colours are discovered, she and Nerfertiri once together travelled to the Temple of Anubis to transport the Scythe of Anubis to a location where it could be kept out of the wrong hands. L'Homme aux poings de Fer : La revanche des filles de joie. Production. Anck-Su-Namun also appeared as one of the major antagonists alongside Meela Nais (her reincarnation) in the video game The Mummy Returns. Scuttlebutt | Bears | Ten years later, Anck-Su-Namun is revealed to have reincarnated as a beautiful and cunning thief named Meela Nais. Born Joseph Goebbels | - Headsculpt Leroy | Barry the Tiger | Kimmy | Enslave humanity with him as his eternal lover (failed). Rose Winters | Tarantinoverse Villains | Vegh | La Malédiction de la Dame blanche. Imhotep (lover) The tidal wave brought down the balloon and its passengers, and Imhotep, assuming that his foes were finished, strode confidently onwards. Alex O'Connell would go through many different adventures throughout his lifetime, progressing to the point in his life in which he became an archaeologist, as did his mother and father. Dans l'ancienne Egypte, le prêtre Imhotep (Arnold Vosloo) entretient une liaison avec la princesse Anck-su-namun. Ozone | Anck- Su-Namun costumes. Died Mr. Perkins | Anck-Su-Namun's remains were subsequently destroyed when the temple was submerged beneath the desert sands, her death mimicking Beni's death scene from the previous film. Under the cover of night, Imhotep broke into Anck-Su-Namun’s crypt and stole her body, bringing it to the necropolis Hamunaptra, the City of the Dead. Bringing nearby totems to life and summoning bat-like creatures to subdue them, she first steals some of Rick's youth before Alex intervenes to prevent her stealing any more. Dr. Nefario | Présentation d'Anck-Su-Namun Dans le film de " La Momie ",tout commence en 1719 avant Jésus Christ. Discover (and save!) Sir Nicholas, Lemuel, and Father Halfhearte | Nationality Goals Archibald Snatcher | Steele | She manages to steal Evelyn and Jonathan's youth, turning them both extremely old, by which time she has now managed to revert back to her youthful appearance as seen in their previous encounter. SeductionSwordsmanshipMartial artsSaisBilingualism Jacques Clemons | Count Dracula (2004) | The Libyans | Cullen Crisp | Hector | League of Evil Exes ( Matthew Patel, Lucas Lee, Todd Ingram, Roxanne Richter, & Kyle and Ken Katayanagi) | Selma Quickly | Laika Villains | Eye color Prince Nuada | Rinkus and Sierra | She cons several graverobbers into joining an Egyptian cult that worships Inhotep alongside her who both run the cult together, and helping her exhume Imhotep and resurrecting him. Animated Features Portrayer Cult of Imhotep (Baltus Hafez, Meela Nais, Lock-Nah, & Shafek) | 9 Villains | Jurassic Park Villains | Scarlet Overkill | Dr. May Updale | Us Villains | A beautiful woman who was not above breaking rules to attain what she wanted, Anck-Su-Namun was haughty, scornful, and more than capable of pathos and manifested it most when in the presence of Imhotep, whom she loved passionately. Wesley Gibson | Set | La Momie Film Streaming VF. Lou | Nacho Contreras | Commited suicide in 1290 B.C, ThebesResurrected, but killed in 1926, HamunaptraResurrected and then was killed by scarabs scorpion pit in 1933, Ahm Shere Professor Screweyes | Cliff Vandercave | King Einon | Aaron McComb | Carter Verone | Princess Anck-Su-Namun Percy "King" Dimplewade | Kara | Capturé par les soldats du Pha… Flushed Pets | Alexander Conklin | Michael Myers | Tom Watson | When Imhotep is revived and regains his power, he sets about reviving Anck-Su-Namun again. She was described as the most dangerous woman in the world. Connor Rhodes | Finn | Fabrication Machine | Bernice Woodall | The Purge Villains | DreamWorks Villains | Harvey and Vernon | The Bracelet, the thieves explained, was bound for London. Anck-Su-Namun and Imhotep venture throughout Egypt with Alex in tow, determined to find the Scorpion King and gain control of his immortal army. When Evelyn is kidnapped, not for a sacrifice, but purely so that Imhotep can watch her die, Rick (now Evelyn's husband) arrives to save her. Felonious Gru | Aunt Grizelda | El Pollito | Larry Quinn | Jacques LaFleur | That evening, Meela and Imhotep stood on a balcony, seeing London, when Hafez informed Imhotep that the Spear of Osiris was in the possession of the O'Connell family, but Imhotep replied that it was of no importance, as by the time that they reached Ahm Shere, the residing place of the Scorpion King, his powers would have regenerated enough beyond the need for the Spear. Anck-Su-Nanum was once betrothed to the Egyptian king Pharaoh Seti I, but secretly carried out an affair with his high priest, Imhotep. The Mummy Dr. Herman Varnick | Anck-su-namun (Patricia Velásquez) is the secret lover of Imhotep and the mistress and bodyguard of Pharaoh Seti I. Anck-su-namun had a deep rivalry with Princess Nefertiri. Santana | Anck-Su-Namun is a minor yet pivotal character in The Mummy, who later serves as the secondary antagonist in The Mummy Returns. En 1290 av. Big Daddy | Adolfson | Griffin | Dr. Foley | Kenny Linder | Dr. Blair Mudfly | Anck Su Namun was a princess of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt. Lorraine | In the ensuing chaos, Rick and Evelyn's son Alex is kidnapped, as he hold the location to Ahm Shere and the temple of the Scorpion King in a bracelet on his wrist. The Mummy: The Animated Series Her first victim was Jane Sherman, friend and co-worker of Evelyn O'Connell, who happened to be in the area studying ruins. David Fastidious | Gunnar Eversol | Carlos | Mr. Gristle | Mr. Pickles | Jarda | Dieter Stark | Sinopsis. Tout commence il y a 3000 ans, dans l' Égypte des pharaons, lorsque le malfaisant prêtre Imhotep cherche à s'emparer du bracelet d'Osiris et des rouleaux de Thèbes afin de détenir des pouvoirs magiques pour contrôler le monde. Pauline Campbell-Jones | Big Joe | Mathayus the Scorpion King | In contrast, Imhotep begs Anck-Su-Namun to save him, yet she flees, leaving him broken-hearted and resigned to the pits of the Underworld. Chief McBrusque | Rasul | Phears | Hair color Villain Con Villains | Glenn Talbot | Zombies | Concubine and later royal consort to Pharaoh Seti I (formerly)Lover of Imhotep Frankenstein's Monster | Directed by Stephen Sommers. Evil-doer Carl Denham | The Mummy (1932): Imhotep Anck-Su-Namun was the imperial concubine of Pharaoh Seti I. La famille O'Connell doit lutter contre Imhotep, la momie maléfique mais aussi contre Anck Su Namun. Mayor Augustus Maywho | The Bikers | The cultists headed to London, taking the Black Book of the Dead and the incased Imhotep with them, and with that they headed to the loading docks of the British Museum of Antiquities, where Hafez performed the rite that brought Imhotep out of the mineral and back to life, as a mummy. Full Name Vic Hoskins | Sir John Talbot | Imhotep (1999) | Sarge | With Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Hannah, Arnold Vosloo. Eli Mills | Clinch Leatherwood | Mistress of Pharaoh Seti IDueling instructor of Nefertiri That night, Alex was chained by his ankle and the cultist group had camped in Karnak for the night; Imhotep, however, took Meela to a sacred pool within the temple where he cast the same trance from before on her, linking her with her past life. Despite her mummified and ancient state, she still possessed her magical abilities as seen in her previous dealings. Halloween costume. Les survivants errent dans le désert et meurent les uns après les autres. Dean Vernon Wormer | The Scorpion King: Rise of the Akkadian: Magus | Set | Apep, Concubine and later royal consort to Pharaoh Seti I. Edward and Tubbs Tattsyrup | Anck-Su-Namun forbid this, saying she could not bear the heartache of losing him again. The memories went on in her trance until Meela had seen once more how she had died as Anck-Su-Namun, and, deeply in her trance, reenacted it, stabbing herself in the stomach as she had years ago, ending her life as Meela Nais. The Thing (1982) | Raiden the Moon King | Warren Kincaid | 2017 - Découvrez le tableau "Ank su namun" de Alyzée Desîles sur Pinterest. Mott Street Maulers (Digit) | Red | Imhotep and Colin Weasler later travel to Duat to raise an army using the Medallion of the Medjai. Fenix Calderon | Colonel Choi | Buddy Love | Albert Hirsch | Anubis | She ran to find another route, but found herself standing over a pit filled with scorpions, which panicked and swarmed as their king, the Scorpion King, had been defeated. Lewis Dodgson | Imhotep knew that something was coming, but the cultists knew not what to expect, being surprised horribly when they were attacked by skeletal cannibal pygmies. Imhotep, devastated, then looked at Evelyn and Rick before he let go willingly and fell to his death inside the pit, ending the two lovers' bond for eternity. Br'er Wolf | Imhotep demanded to know what year it was, and was told by Hafez that the year was 1933, the Year of the Scorpion. Craig Jeffers | Nykwana Wombosi | Queen Ravenna | Alejandro Sosa | Golden Army | Anck-Su-Namun was about to kill Jonathan when the newly revived Evelyn intervened, shaking her off before sending Jonathan and Alex to find Rick. Riley Hicks | Mehmed II | Little Heroes. John Tombs | This also proved that she had no love for Imhotep when he really needed it. J.-C., le Grand Prêtre Imhotep a une liaison amoureuse avec Anck-Su-Namun, la favorite du Pharaon Séthi I . https://mummy.fandom.com/wiki/Anck-Su-Namun?oldid=21059. Lipstick-Face Demon | Manheim | Imhotep had, the last time, been close to performing the completing the ritual, then needing no sacrifice, but after three thousand years, he needed a human sacrifice that would provide Anck-Su-Namun with fresher flesh. Imhotep stated that the god Anubis had taken his powers, wishing him to face the Scorpion King as a mortal. Peter Ludlow | Mr. Smee (2003) | Arturo Braga | Most of the cultists were killed by the little mummies, save for Imhotep and Anck-Su-Namun, who stood behind her lover as the pygmies kept their distance from him. Dr. Ranbir Sartain | Barb Pierce | Soon as they continued walking into the pyramid, Imhotep stepped onto a platform that was surrounded by two large statues, both of which to stripped him of his immortality, taking away his powers. Anck-su-Namun then walked into the pyramid with Imhotep and sardonically waved hello to Alex as she held the Book of the Dead. At that moment, Imhotep, with the Book of the Dead, summoned up Anck-Su-Namun's spirit from the Underworld and brought her back to life within her reincarnated body as the woman that she had been centuries ago. As Evelyn was caught off guard, Anck-Su-Namun snuck up on her and stabbed Evelyn in the stomach with a dagger, killing her. Biff Tannen | Louis Strack Jr. | The Skull | Chucky | The Chancellor's Party (Chancellor Fredinand) | As Hafez told her to not be frightened, Meela explained that she was not, and explained to Imhotep in Ancient Egyptian that she was Anck-Su-Namun reincarnated, to which Imhotep replied that she was only Anck-Su-Namun in body, but after bringing her soul back from the Underworld, their love would be whole. Kores Botha | She was portrayed by Patricia Velásquez, who also played Patricia Alvarez in The Curse of La Llorona. Brown Scarface Villains | Anck-Su-Namun being devoured by a horde of carnivorous scorpions. The Mummy Returns: Imhotep | Mathayus the Scorpion King | Cult of Imhotep (Baltus Hafez, Meela Nais/Anck-Su-Namun, Lock-Nah & Shafek) | Army of Anubis | Pygmies | "Red" Willits | Jacob Spivey | Jacques Clemons | Anubis Ozzy & Strut | After some time spent walking through the jungles, Imhotep and Anck-Su-Namun had reached the pyramid; the other cultists had all been killed by the pygmies or by the O'Connell family and their allies, most of whom had also reached the pyramid. Chuck Long | Christian Dassault | Max Cady (1962) | Prochainement ... anck su namun ds la momie. She calls them over and smiles at the thought of them freeing her, however Imhotep responds that they did not come there to free her. Dru Gru | Polite Leader | Fast and the Furious Villains | Ken Wheatley | The Horde (Blackhand the Destroyer & Orgrim Doomhammer) | Frank D'Amico | Nefertiri eventually brought a large statue of Anubis to life, which dragged the Scythe and Anck-Su-Namun, who refused to let go of her prize, into the Underworld. Gisele Yashar | Ankhsuamun Après quoi, le couple partirait peut-être vivre des jours heureux à Dubaï. KeyFace | Johnny Tran | Barbie Villains | League of Gentlemen Villains | 01-jun-2014 - Anck-Su-Namun (Patricia Velasquez, "The Mummy", 1999) She could never do anything by herself and relied on constant protection. Hernan Reyes | Igor | Anck-Su-Namun stole her youth and left her for others to find, believing that a rescue team would be summoned to investigate. Library of Skulls | Mayor Muldoon | The Birds | Harmon James | Prior to her own demise, Anck-Su-Namun was chosen to accompany Princess Nefertiri in placing the Scythe of Anubis in the Temple of Anubis for safe-keeping, the Princess not realising at that time that she couldn't be trusted. Cause Envy Adams | Gender Rinaldo Pazzi | Agent Haggard | Warren T. Rat | Damballa | With the temple collapsing around her, she tries to escape down one of the passageways but it collapses in front of her. Le Pharaon Séti ( Aharon Ipale ) règne en maître sur l'Egypte.Il a une fille du nom de Néfertiri ( Rachel Weisz ) et a pour maîtresse Anck-Su-Namun ( Patricia Velasquez ).Il est interdit de la toucher. Eteon (Brixton Lore & Eteon Director) | Cooties Villains |

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