Métiers du Numérique, de l'Ingénierie, du Conseil, des Sondages et Etudes de Marché, des Foires et Salons (dits "Syntec")

Dead 99 Injured 9. My heart goes out to the victims of this accident, many of them children. And God does not make mistakes. Seems more likely, and I certainly hope it was the case. The BEA contests these findings, saying that the acceleration was normal until the tyre burst. Both French and British pilots say it was another disastrous mistake, which breached all set procedures. Your comment is what’s laughable. The car could then have sold for a more reasonable price. In its interim report, and in a statement, the BEA said that the leftwards yaw was caused not by the faulty landing gear but by “the loss of thrust from engines one and two”. Take for example AF 447. At the start of taxi the nosewheel was not engaged – fly by wire – and a reset had to be achieved by the F/O. […] UFO sightings were said to have been reported at a number of these. "Air France 4590, runway 26 right, wind zero 90 knots, authorized takeoff.". One significant point I should like to make. The Paris Air Show is held at Le Bourget. He presented clear evidence that the French authorities, who conducted the crash investigation, covered up the true cause and tried to blame Continental airways engineers and design weaknesses in Concorde. I completely agree with you about the weight and the safety precautions. I’ll never forget leaving Glenn at the gate in Rio for being “truly insubordinate.” You sure gave me some good stories to share over the years. Second, those who fly the plane say that a loss of engine power will not cause an uncontrollable yaw. As I was the one to let them back in the building I was told by passengers that they were told the reason for the abort was tire failure. I have never seen an undercarriage on an aircraft where the forward bogey could swivel; it is always the rear bogey which is supposed to trail naturally. It’s seldom that I have flattering things to say about the press’s coverage of aviation accidents, but this particular piece, by reporter David Rose, is a gripping, startling story. There’s no certification requirement for successful second segment climb with loss of 50% thrust. Presumably they ran the scenario in the simulator, the aircraft taking off with a CG slightly aft of the limit and rotating 11 knots too early, was it really uncontrollable then?? I flew as a Cabin Service Director on Concorde for 6 years and will never forget my experience. Sad loss all round, of life, and a beautiful aircraft, with loads of life left in her. It may cost a lot to retrofit wing tanks but what if the alternative is to admit that the landing gear failed? Not a critical circumstance in itself perhaps, but the failure of the tyre and the rupture of the tank was. We modified our memory items to include this phrase on the top, when we were in the Sim with him. In a comment which might be applied to the whole unfolding tragedy, John Hutchinson said: “Discipline had broken down. Moreover, the report notes that Concorde was designed with allowable fuel leaks and seepages specific to tank location, up to 14 drops-per-minute for some areas without immediate repair. Without the fire at all, but with the other factors still present (two failed or failing engines, the weight issue, etc. The report also contained a chilling transcript of the conversation in the plane's cockpit, which shows the crew were unaware of the engine fire which was to bring the plane down until alerted by the control tower. Why was a welder allowed to pop rivet a titanium strip to an aircraft engine? A recounting of what happened when the prestige object Concorde found its devastating crash … It was launched on Wednesday at Britain's Farnborough airshow … First, from a non-pilot, thanks for an excellent presentation. He was relatively inexperienced on the Concorde – after 3000 hours I was still learning – having been on the plane about a year. I still keeping our hotel receipt though. While I belief Concorde was a great technological undertaking, its real longterm benefit lies in the fact that it proved to Europe that they could overcome political and national differences and set the stage for one of the greatest international industrial cooperations ever achieved: Airbus! Even recently, when I found out about it, it was saddening. A unique screen displays only two digits no hundred zeros, no point (+ or –tell VS) There have been serious discussions and arguments about payload or fuel but never considerations of overweight take offs. John Hutchinson said: “The blowout alone would not cause these marks. (Usually 400′ AGL for most multi engine commercial jets.) We can have little confidence that this has not been so in other French air accident investigations. Jun 24 2020. Concorde looks to be nearby because it had been close to hitting the 747, an event which would have turned both aircraft into a giant fireball. 14.44 (4.44 pm) - Aircraft instrument: "Whoop whoop pull up; (GPWS alarm). Compared with photos while boxes were stolen, the large white safety cello bands were misplaced on both tampered boxes before their delivery to BEA. Likewise did he actually think he had applied full rudder because he had not done a full flying control check from his chair? Indeed one ex-BA Captain who I once flew with told me that he had one which caused a fuel tank leak and he thought there had been others. . Air France Im afraid haven’t quite got a fantastic safety record, have they?? ``TOO LATE . Le 25 juillet 2000, le Concorde immatriculé F-BTSC assurant le vol 4590 d'Air France, un trajet de type charter à destination de New York, s'est écrasé au décollage sur un hôtel à Gonesse, une minute et vingt-huit secondes après son décollage de l'Aéroport de Paris Charles-De-Gaulle tuant 113 personnes : les 100 passagers et les 9 membres d'équipage ainsi que 4 personnes se trouvant dans l'hôtel. Even if this is the case, it might not have any effect on the aircraft taking off, the limiting factor may well be stopping the aircraft within the available runway after an engine failure just before V1. Avions avant chaque de sauts hors hors pilote avion le le le le la Gta v crash compilation. The Air France crash marked its only fatal accident. Because the strip wasn’t the ONLY connection in the chain of occasions that prompted the accident doesn’t imply that Continental isn’t reprehensible, in any event to some degree. More important is the light this throws on the French approach to the investigation of air accidents. But it was a total failure as no airlines would buy any. Be that as it may, it again makes one wonder, why rush to lay accuse as opposed to sitting tight for prove? This can be applied with this Concorde disaster. I’m not too sure, i would be interested to know that too! Independent joysticks don’t tell the non flying pilot. On a twin engined airliner V1 is usually at Vr. Commercial service was resumed in November 2001 after a £17m safety improvement service, until the remaining aircraft were retired in 2003. Where there’s a smoke……. Is it possible that he didn’t hear the notice that he’d be departing with a tailwind? Total time CDG-NYC was again 6-7 hours but at a cost of about 5 times a regular air ticket…. Whilst taxying one of the two split rudders dropped its signalling mode from green to blue and a check list item had to be performed. What should be of more concern to us all is that, if we were mislead by the powers that be over this, a non- political matter, what lies are we being told about things that really matter! Great result by the French Court to overturn the previous verdict, I along with a lot of other flying people knew all this information many years ago, I was amazed that this did not come out sooner, Great article, Patrick! Its such a Shame that so often the truth can NOT be told and it just turns into a cover up, like the Air France Concord disaster! Shocking evidence now emerging suggests that the Air France Concorde F-BTSC had not been properly maintained. The most likely cause would be rubber from the burst tyre getting launched upwards into the landing gear where it cuts some of the power cables responsible for raising the gear. Thank you! Rumor had it that no sooner were the blueprints finished for these complicated mechanisms they magically appeared in the USSR where the Tu-144 was being developed. French accident investigation bureauAviation Week and Space Technology. ie. I’m wondering if the spacer problem would have resulted in a crash at an emergency landing attempt, especially if most of that fuel load was still aboard. “the idea the JFK assassination WASN’T a conspiracy is utterly laughable”. Huge impact forces during the crash event itself. It also confirms that a small metal strip, probably from another airplane, was found on the runway. Only twenty Concordes had been built, four of which were prototypes or pre-production examples. Air Crash Investigation - Concorde - Part 4 ... Ouverture du procès en appel du crash du Concorde. The Tupolev design bureau was unable to duplicate the complex shape of the Concorde wings in the TU-144 “Concordski,” despite having a set of purloined plans. I don’t know if a copy is available. The Capt. Yeah. I flew it (BA) Barbados to Gatwick in the mid-90’s. I point you to a story that ran in the British newspaper The Observer in 2005. So when the Emergency broke, nobody asked for “GEAR UP “. “Sit on your hands” until you reach a certain altitude! In 1962, as the Concorde programme was starting, Turcat joined the state-owned Sud-Aviation. Good that the court action was thrown out, this type of court case is always bad for aviation safety. Did the Airline Safety System function well enough ? 14.43.34 - Controller: "Beginning reception of a Middle Marker. Was it “American jealousy” as claimed by Harold Macmillan, that killed it? 9/11 Such a routine learnt early in a pilot’s career, can become reflex. How something so beautiful could be so airworthy at Mach 2.2. They show unmistakably the skid marks of four tyres, heading off the runway on to its concrete shoulder, almost reaching the rough grass beyond. LAST WEEK, A FRENCH APPEALS COURT overturned a manslaughter conviction against Continental Airlines for its role in the crash of an Air France Concorde outside Paris twelve years ago. Yes, indeed, the TU-144 pilot executed a violent manoeuvre to avoid a Mirage which was shadowing the TU-144 in the broken cloud cover. Captain Ross “Rusty” Aimer In the middle is a low-friction pivot which connects the beam to the vertical leg extending down from inside the wing. If blame had been properly placed, the Concorde fleet might have continued in service and we might now be in the supersonic age. it may be ego, but after watching a lot of videos, i think i could have flown it out. Excellent insight. She was the only woman in British Airways to pilot Concorde. Sadly Concord died in a tragic accident, whereas the real blame for commercial its demise lies elsewhere. "The crew had no way of knowing about the nature of the fire nor any means of fighting it.". The automobile equivalent of the Concorde. If the tailwind was 8 knots (and that is significant especially in an over max weight situation) why didn’t ATC automatically change the departure runway (direction)? Sehr guter Post! When it stood at the end of the runway, ready to roll, it was more than six tonnes over its approved maximum takeoff weight for the given conditions, with its centre of gravity pushed dangerously far to the rear. Given the crack(s), allowable in-wing fuel leakages, and at least one undiscovered in-flight fire that only by pure luck burned itself out before affecting flight controls, wouldn’t it be possible that the flames on flight 4590 could have ignited leaked fuel adjacent to other tanks and, given ambient pressures in the tanks and ample oxygen, set those tanks alight, too? This was the first accident of Concorde but not the first in aviation history. How do you know this would be likely? The last appeal, which gave a ‘sort of result’ in favour of Continental, should have dismissed the whole of the previous accident report(s), sacked and/or charged all those asinine people who, in my opinion, manipulated and distorted the facts and figures, for their own benefit and for trying to ensure that AF was to be privatised without stain! The real tragedy was the failure to build on the expertise that was so expensively acquired. When Marty paused at the start of the runway, his instruments told him that his Concorde had 1.2 tonnes of extra fuel which should have been burnt during the taxi. He presented clear evidence that the French authorities, who conducted the crash investigation, covered up the true cause and tried to blame Continental airways engineers and design weaknesses in Concorde. The planes were reintroduced following a fuel-tank redesign, but both carriers withdrew them from service permanently in 2003, after 27 years of service, citing prohibitively expensive operating and upkeep costs. Once the court case is settled you will hear more on this subject I am sure. An In / Out pushbutton selects the functions VS or FPA to a rotating knob. In the words of John Hutchinson, a Concorde captain for 15 years, the fire on its own should have been “eminently survivable; the pilot should have been able to fly his way out of trouble.” The reason why he failed to do so, Hutchinson believes, was a lethal combination of operational error and negligence. No official spokesman for BA would ever use such phraseology and so “BA” is merely a nom de plume. But the right-hand bush began to slip, down into the gap where there should have been a spacer. On every simulator check the pilot must cope with an engine failure at V1. As the plane taxied to the start of the runway, there was nothing to keep the front wheels of the undercarriage in line with the back. Nigel asked a good question: “I tend to think [that] if the tank hadn’t been ruptured… the CG wouldn’t have moved further aft due to the fuel leak…. We have one (Alpha Echo) in a museum here at Barbados, since we were only one of 3 scheduled destinations it flew to. . Perhaps if the Russians had not been so eager to have their own hurry up version of SST, the Paris Air Show crash of 1973 could have likely been avoided. It’s pretty horrible to imagine what it must have been like for the passengers involved. In any case the fire did not seem to be causing structural damage, it was simply like a man using a flame thrower – the fuel (from the flame thrower) is actually alight AFTER it leaves the nozzle and is not burning the man or gun, likewise thw Concorde fuel leak, though spectacular was actually slightly behind the wing. It’s hard to say exactly what would have happened had the plane actually made an emergency landing while the tank was still burning like that. The flight was doomed the moment the captain attempted a tail wind takeoff. All of us (on the site), during our presentations all over the world, cover the crash in great detail, with high quality slides and videos. I was reading the news and I saw this really cool info. Pilots are always reminded to “FLY” the aircraft first! Then the shit should hit the fan and procedures introduced to ensure such things do not happen again. A reinforced one at that as used on Concorde.? And as the fuel gushed from the hole in the forward tank, the centre of gravity moved still further back. Barbara Harmer was born in 1954 in the Sussex town of Bognor Regis. "The July 25 accident shows that the destruction of a tyre, an event that we cannot say will not recur, had catastrophic consequences in a short period of time, preventing the crew from rectifying the situation," the report says. The report formally recommends that Concorde's airworthiness certificates should be suspended until "appropriate measures have been put in place to guarantee a satisfactory level of safety as regards the risk associated with tyre blow-outs" - a step the civil aviation authority and its French equivalent, the DGAC, carried out on August 16. 14.42.26 - Pilot: "Up to 100, 150; (followed by unclear words, sound of switch). The time and distance to Gonesse, where the airplane fell, was less than a go-around. It is clear the aircraft was improperly prepared for flight, being both overweight and incorrectly trimmed. If you look at the ten worst crashes of all time for example, only three of them were attributed to crew error. There is a word in the Aviation World that is slowly being forgotten call Airmanship! Thirty years + of flying, engine failure at or above V1 is a mandatiory go, assume pitch angle, climb at V2 or better to 400 feet before you do anything, engine fire, bird strike, etc., if pilot has lost control of aircraft, all bets are off, good luck. Sadly the flight data recorder on Air France was an old model, compared to British Airways, and its sampling was limited. As an aside, did it happen within Air France? best regards, It is beyond belief to talk of surviving if this action or that had been done instead of what was. If all the others are true, so is this. Do you still have the Citroen SM? Then you barely have to swivel your eyeball leftward to notice the runways of Le Bourget very nearly in Concorde’s path, and thus my question is – was this airfield situated originally in such a way that it would provide a sort of ‘abortive CDG departure’ rescue-runway? 14.43.20 - Mechanic: "Breakdown, eng, breakdown engine two; (two sounds of switches, followed by fire alarm). Agreeing that uncommanded engine shut downs are a no-no. Did the French court never hear this version of events? Unfortunately, this shows how people may react when human errors (either caused by themselves or others) collectively incite a terrible incident like this. 14.43.49 - Co-pilot: "The airspeed indicator; (sound of switch, end of ringing). Meanwhile take off checks were being performed and from the voice recorder transcript it has to be said that the flight deck was performing normally but the crew were very busy. Also for wings to break off at the low speeds of an airshow seems strange at the late date. JFK would hold us on 31L for 20 minutes if landings were on 04 but not always. Having attended a 2 week aircraft accident investigation course in the UK, I was amazed and very impressed by the quality of the investigators and the job that they do. All along, aviation safety specialists were highly critical of the suit, believing (as I do), that such prosecutions set a dangerous and destructive precedent, undermining crash investigations and air safety in general. As far as I know, a new tyre never bursted.Why did they not stop using re-tread tyres? The official investigation has focused almost entirely on the fire. CRM was poorly explained to this Pilots. Never heard of any of these “off-the-wall” theories about the accident previously. Also the Challenger shuttle disaster (86?). I get that it was made of titanium but geesh , the ant that tripped up the elephant. Very little attention in the press. Very informative article. Could so many deaths have been avoided if Flight 4590 had just run off the end of the runway? National pride ….. not unlike launching a space shuttle when the temperature is below minimum operating temperature for the O-rings. So, what’s the truth behind the Concorde’s retirement, and how does it tie in with the truth behind the crash? I have always been skeptical of the findings. http://www.aerocitygurgaon.com/. A United States Air Force pilot died yesterday after a U2 "spy plane" crashed as it took off from Gloucestershire on what was believed to be a reconnaissance mission to Bosnia. The wheel space bearing is another issue that did not come out of the initial investigation and may have been added through UK pressure. The fuel tank fire was visually spectacular (and terrifying), but experts say its direct effects on the actual crash were minimal, aside from damage caused to the number 2 engine, and it likely would have burned itself out in a matter of a few minutes. As we used 90 tons per hour on Take off, space in the tanks became rapidly available provided the valves were shut, otherwise fuel from tank 11 kept pouring in allowing no air space in the fuel tank. A shortcoming of the fuel tanks had previously been exposed at KIAD when a tire blew and the aircraft was nearly lost. Then BA ran it at a profit until the crash and grounding. AND ALL ENGINE TROUBLE MUST BE DEAL WITH AFTER 400 feet, the second segment of the take off. It wasn’t the 1920s. So at the time of tyre burst tank 5 was FULL with no airspace in it. 14.44.29 - Pilot: (unclear, sounds like exertion). So to criticize…so easy when watching, not so easy if put in their place. Whenever you have many competing interests and politics, the potential for misdirection in the media and other official sources of information exists. What a spectacle it was. When the undercarriage bogeys are taken apart and reassembled, the work must be done according to a rigid formula, and rigorously inspected and assessed. As I recall, a B A Concorde suffered a similar incident on take-off from New York two or three years before the French Concorde accident where a tyre burst on take-off, fuel was leaking/gushing out, but did not (fortunately) catch fire and the crew flew the circuit to a safe but overweight landing. The E/O had to transfer hydraulics through the spill doors to balance their quantities. September 22nd 2009 The French Cassation Court (US Supreme) closed the case. You do not mention the failure of the gear to retract – possibly due to damage. Thank you for an excellent article and comments. This is quite often the limiting case. For those of us that flew the 747, we realised how a hydraulic system should be built but it was a much later design and weight was not the same problem. ", 14.44.19 - Pilot: "No time, no (unclear).".

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