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Home. This action confirmed Schwazenbergs belief that Napoleon was about to attack and he took up a strong defensive position at Bur–sur–Seine where, between 9th–10th February, he concentrated his forces.15. La bataille du chemin des dames, secteur de front où se trouve le plateau de Craonne, a débuté le 16 avril 1917 à six heures du matin. Only a direct order from Sacken, coupled with Drouot’s guns ploughing bloody lanes through the ranks of his infantry, caused him to concur and he began to draw back his battalions by leap–frogging each one past the other.51. The ‘Fog of War’ played a part in the plans of both protagonists during this time. It varies much in width, from a couple of hundred yards or less[182.88 meters], where valleys from the north and south nearly meet, to two miles[2.3 kilometres] or more along the spurs on either side. The French Cemetery at Plateau de Californie, Craonne, 1917 Photographic Print by Jacques Moreau. Le plateau dont il est question est le plateau de Californie qui surplombe le village. She later married another soldier, Sergeant Alexander Gibeau, who gave the boy his name. Craonne est à mi-chemin entre Laon et Reims (à environ une trentaine de kilomètres de chacune de ces villes). James, Napoleon. Marshal Etienne–Jacques–Joseph–Alexandre Macdonald, Duke of Taranto. Warfare is a fascinating subject. Search. So much pressure was now being applied along the Russian front that another withdrawal was ordered, the infantry falling back on Braye, covered by spoiling attacks made by Vasilchikov’s cavalry sent in by Sacken to slow down the French advance. The Reims–Laon road runs mostly outside the hills which only cross it with outlying spurs for a mile or two on either side of Festieux. The position, at first glance, seemed ideal for repelling any enemy attack, however it was susceptible to being turned on both flanks by hostile forces simultaneously advancing on the plateau from the north and south valley’s, while strong pressure was being applied along the front. By the 16th February, they had been issued with equipment of a sort (some men were even lucky enough to get greatcoats), and had been marshalled into some approximation of orderly units. Napoleon left Paris in the early hours of January 25th, arriving at Châlons on the morning of the 26th. One brigade of the Old Guard camped near Craonne, with the other at Corbény (3,800 men), both under the command of General of Division Louis Friant. Blücher’s orders to Sacken had been to march back towards Champaubert where he was supposedly to link up with Blücher, but these orders had been issued before the old Field Marshal had any real notion of where Napoleon was heading, and were no longer relevant to the present circumstances, which Sacken was unaware of himself, and thus he set out on the night of 10th February not knowing that Napoleon was already across the road down which he was marching.20. Some of them, Bruyéres for instance, are old fortified villages with some of the walls still standing [in 1912].40. Considering Blücher’s army a spent force, Napoleon now decided to turn his attention to defeating Schwazenberg, and it is worth reading what the German Staff historian’s opinion of that commanders abilities were during the 1814 campaign: Political considerations came first and remained so during the entire campaign for Schwazenberg, while strategy took a backseat. …Here it will be convenient to describe the country in the triangle Soissons, Laon, Berry–au–Bac which was to form the theatre of operations during the next few days. At around 11.30 a.m. on the morning of the 11th February, Sacken’s advance guard arrived at Viels–Maisons, just west of Montmirail, amid a steady fall of cold rain, and here they clashed with the French advance guard. On the 15th February, with his headquarters established in Nogent, Schwazenberg brought up his Russian reserves to the south bank of the River Seine opposite Bray, but with Wittgenstein being so impatient to get on that he pushed his corps further on down the road to Paris as far as Provins.25, Turning south with a speed reminiscent of his campaigning days as a young general in Italy, Napoleon went heads down to confront Schwazenberg, who had scattered his various corps over a distance of 50 kilometres, as he believed that this was the only way to move and feed his army. Holding Belgium with a nominal force of 20,000 men but, in fact, with no more than 10,000 capable of active resistance. Jun 16, 2016 - 1914-1918 La Grande Guerre. This itself was untypical of the era. For his part the French emperor took up lodgings in Château Thierry, planning his next move and allowing his troops a brief rest period while the bridges over the Marne were repaired.22. The Battle for Europe, 1807 – 1814, page 489. This continued until a fresh line was formed with their right wing resting near the Paissy valley and their left about 700 meters south- south–west of Ailles. Types Of Photography. Cette chanson a été créée par des soldats inconnus de la Première Guerre mondiale. Craonne is a good example of the transition of this massive increase in firepower. From Napoleon to Nivelle, many men have died here. This area became the centre part of the German defence on the Aisne Front. Dominic, Russia against Napoleon. Paddy, A Book of Sandhurts Wargames, page 25. Luckily for Blücher the advance guard of General Wittgenstein’s 6th Corps, consisting of 3,000 cavalry under General Peter Petrovich Pahlen III, was approaching and proved a welcome boost in manpower. [, Lieven. Art. Also Blücher’s choice of placing Winzengerode in command of the flanking manoeuvre did not help matters when it came to speeding things up.41 Nothing daunted the Russian infantry under Vorontsov and Sacken, the latter drawing up his battalions some 1,000 meters to the rear of Vorontsov’s line, with their uniforms and boots starting to fall to pieces and they themselves in sore need of rest and shelter, prepared to meet the enemy with their usual gritty determination. It was these bloody offensives that … The Plateau de Californie is located on the eastern section of the Chemin des Dames. No need to register, buy now! James, Napoleon. Laon itself stands on an isolated hill rising some 350 feet[106.6 meters] above the plain…. Petre had visited the battlefield as a guest of the French army in 1912 and took part in divisional manoeuvres around the area of Soissons, Laon and Berry–au–Bac. Carry straight on as far as point 1 then back to car park. Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library. Help support this site by signing up for cheap mobile calls. [, Lieven. He would join forces with the corps under Bülow and Winzengerode, now detached from Bernadotte’s army, who were now marching towards Soissons. La chanson est associée aux mutineries de 1917 et le refrain subit une nouvelle transformation : « C'est à Craonne, sur le plateau ».. Pour l'occasion, le village de Craonne gagne une syllabe (Craonne se prononce habituellement /krɑn/, la chanson dit /krɑɔn/ pour avoir le compte de syllabes). The mayor of the village of Beaurieux, Monsieur M. De Bussy, had been studying at the military school of Brienne when the French Emperor himself was a student there, and Napoleon now sent for him in order to familiarise himself with the local terrain. [, Quoted in, Leggiere. Craonne redeviendra français après la victoire de la Malmaison en octobre 1917. Whereas a person could still recognise the countryside, albeit with signs of a recent conflict glaringly obvious–broken down fences, splintered trees and burnt out buildings being well in evidence–after a Napoleonic conflict, the transformation of the landscape that occurred during Nivelle Offensive of 1917, in which over 2,000,000 shells were fired, was utterly devastating (see photograph below).With this devastation came annihilation. The countryside in 1912 was much as it had been one hundred years before. Le village du vieux Craonne est encore visible au pied du plateau de Californie Thus, within less than a month, Napoleon had knocked the stuffing out of the initial invasion of France and done much to restoring his reputation as the supreme warlord.27 However, the victorious emperor was also the great gambler, who, even with the odds still obviously stacked against him, was always prepared to raise the stakes. Meanwhile Blücher’s forces were crossing the Aisne River and Napoleon, expecting to catch him while he was still around Fismes realised that the old hussar was possibly making for Laon and therefore would be using the crossing at Soissons to reach his goal. 1914-1918 La Grande Guerre. What he did not take into consideration was the panic caused by Winzingerode ruse to bombard Soissons into submission if the commander of the garrison, General Jean–Victor Moreau, did not surrender the town immediately. The allies were so carried away with their success that they failed to follow it up by an aggressive and rapid pursuit, and they certainly had enough troops available who had not been engaged in the battle to do this, but spent the day after the battle celebrating, with Blücher once again taking himself off deep into the wine cellars of the Brienne chateau, where the Tsar found him selecting the best bottles for his personal consumption.12. At around 7.00 p.m. on the evening of 4th March Napoleon reached Fismes with his Old Guard, two divisions of Young Guard under Marshal Ney and General Etienne–Marie–Antoine–Champion de Nansouty’s Imperial Guard Cavalry, who had fought a spirited action at Château–Thierry on the 3rd March. Blücher and Gneisenau were opposed to such. The villages in the neighbourhood are generally defensible. The artillery is to be deployed ready for action. [, Lawford. 9 vols. The 7th Young Guard division (3,800 men) under General of Division Joseph Boyer de Rébeval (Marshal Victors 2nd Young Guard Corps) bedded down for the night around Berry–au–Bac, together with the 6th Heavy Cavalry Division (2,200 men), commanded by General of Division Nicolas–Francois–Roussel d’Hurbal (part of the cavalry corps of General of Division Emmanuel de Grouchy),  the 8th Young Guard Division under General of Division Henri–Franҫois–Marie Charpentier and 2nd Young Guard Division of General of Division Jean–Baptiste–Franҫois Curial ( 3,600 and 1,000 men respectively, both of Marshal Victors 2nd Young Guard Corps). At his own request he was buried in the old ruined cemetery of Craonne near the eastern edge of the Chemin des Dames. The roads were like an ice rink since it had rained then frozen hard during the night. [, Griffith. The monument represents the fall of all the imprisoned bosses and the coming together of history. The characters in Austrian headquarters were otherwise. Marshal Claude Victor, Duke of Bellune. General Charles–Antoine Morand. La victoire s’avère impossible mais le Général NIVELLE décide malgré cela de reprendre aux allemands les villages de Craonne et le Plateau de Californie. [, Maycock. Wikiloc uygulamasından kendi izinizi kaydedin, yükleyin ve toplulukla paylaşın. Until their arrival the troops directly available to oppose the French consisted of some 5,000 Russians and 24 cannon bivouacked around Brienne itself. The Prince of the Moskva [Ney] with the 1st and 2nd Divisions of the Young Guard will take up a position across the road half a league or a league behind Marmont. As the brigade advanced it failed to fan out sufficiently and received severe punishment from the Russian artillery. Over on the French left, Charpentier and Nansouty were attacking the Russian formations as they were slowly withdrawing, the intrepid Charpentier even managed to use a covered approach around the village of Cerny, from where his division poured several well aimed volleys into the enemy ranks, inflicting heavy casualties and causing each battalion to pause and deliver a volley in return before dropping back through the gaps left by the second line formations, still continuing their controlled retirement. Despite the pressure, the Russians managed to retire in good order and between 7 and 8 p.m. the battle ended. The Last Campaigns 1813 – 1815, page 91. His brother–in–law, former Marshal and now King of Naples, Joachim Murat had gone over to the Allies, Antwerp was cut off, Brussels had been taken and at Chatillion, where his Foreign Minister Armand Caulaincourt was still attempting to obtain a good deal for his master at a peace conference, it had been decided to offer the French Emperor only the original pre 1789 borders of France and not her “natural boundaries.”16 Nevertheless, despite these bad tidings, the astute general took over from the ermine cushioned monarch, and Napoleon conceived a plan which almost turned the tables. [, Maycock. [. Not fully comprehending the strength of the forces gathering against him, Napoleon considered that an attempt would be made to outflank him westward and, on the 1st February, Marshal Ney begun to withdraw his forces towards Troyes only to be recalled when news arrived that the allies were about to attack in strength. First World War (1914-1918) Chemin des Dames, Craonne; France Picardie Craonne; The Plateau de Californie was a strategic important area and saw heavy fighting during the First World War. The troops sent forward consisting of a battalion of the Old Guard who soon encountered strong opposition from the Russian 13th and 14th Jäger  Regiments around the Abbey of Vauclerc and in the village of Craonne itself, this proving so staunch that  Napoleon called up Marshal Ney with the 1st Young Guard Division (these troops, 1,000 strong, were like the rest of the various battalions, regiments, brigades and divisions making up the French army at this period, were all vastly under strength) to their support. 2 vols. West Point, 1964, The Russian Officer Corps in the Revolution and Napoleonic Wars, 1792–1815, Spellmount Limited, England, 2005, Napoleon.The Last Campaigns 1813–1815, Roxby Press, UK, 1977, Russia against Napoleon. Their position ran north to south across the plateau, straggling the Chemin de Dames highway, about 5 kilometres west of the village of Craonne, which was held by several companies of Russian infantry. Explore. Reprint, London, 1977, A Book of Sandhurts Wargames. Riding out at 8.00 a.m. in the morning escorted by the duty squadron of the chasseur à cheval of the Imperial Guard, Napoleon reconnoitred the enemy position from the mill of Craonne. 6 Turn right again almost immediately and walk uphill (view of the Plateau de Californie ridge with its observation tower). En güzel yerleri keşfedin, GPS parkurlarını indirin ve haritadaki en iyi rotaları takip edin. Now a thaw had set in turning the roads into ankle deep mud trails and the fields into bogs. Napoleon himself spent the night in Corbeny. They did not choose their graves, is the epitaph engraved on this monument. James, Napoleon, The Last Campaigns 1813 – 1815, page 73. While the guns were moving forward P. Boyer finally managed to capture the village of Ailles, which was burning furiously, the Russian defenders falling back up the steep sides of the plateau. F.W.O., Invasion of France 1814. Keeping their troops well in hand the two marshals retreated with great skill and crossed the River Marne at Trilport, thence they fell back towards Meaux, only 34 kilometres from Paris. Yet the battles fought on them all played their part in shaping the way that we live today. By 3.00 p.m. Napoleon had been informed that a considerable body of enemy cavalry were approaching from the direction of Chamouille to threaten the French right flank. Napoleon had done serious damage to three of the scattered detachments of the Army of Silesia, costing it over 5,000 casualties and making a serious dent in its morale. The Final Battles of the First Napoleonic Empire, page 88. Det lidt særprægede netværk i midten af billedet er monumentet over de faldne ukendte soldater, der 'ikke selv har valgt deres grave'. The position chosen by the Prussian Field Marshal was well suited to defence, however passivity was never part of Blücher’s vocabulary; rather than just await the French attack and hold his ground, the old man had worked out a plan, albeit one that never did reach full fruition, whereby part of his force would contain Napoleon’s onslaught, while a large force, including over 10,000 cavalry, would strike the French right flank and rear in a enveloping manoeuvre. Plateau de Craonne. Regardless of their rear and flanks they do nothing but plan the fine parties they are going to enjoy in the Palais Royal.’8 The allied commander had good reason to be concerned. These, plus hundreds of liberated captives as well as missing men returning to the colours, soon filled up the ranks making Blücher’s army as strong as it had been on 10th February.23. [, Lawson. With progress comes the advance in the technology, and with technology comes the advancement in the killing ability of weapons of war. . [, He had ordered Moreau to be shot, which was not carried out owing to Napoleon’s abdication. This plan allowed for a slow but careful march on the French capital without becoming too bogged down in administrative complications. West of the Siossons–Laon road is a hilly country, the eastern border of which is within two or three miles [3.9 kilometres] of Laon. Marne Champagne. Trying to create something out of nothing ended in his downfall and signing his abdication at Fontainbleau on April 4th 1814. Another participant was probably nearer the mark when he said, ‘for a whole hour we were massacred in the most fearful manner.’ One account says that the soldiers were ‘scythed down like a field of corn.’ Another talks of them ‘melting like snow.’, After the battle, the division which had started from Paris with nearly 8,000 effectives was left with only 1,686 officers and men. If the Imperial Guard had been reduced to such a state of improvisation one can only guess at what condition the rest of the army must have been in. The Austrian field commander had to subordinate his art of war to Austrian politics, which did not want Napoleon annihilated, and Schwazenberg complied. The chief distances, as the crow flies, are: Soissons to Laon 18 miles [28 kilometres]; Soissons to Berry–au–Bac 26 miles [41.8 kilometres]; Berry–au–Bac to Laon 18 miles [28 kilometres]. Craonne Nordic Walking trail in Craonne, Hauts-de-France (France). Blücher placed General Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov, commanding Winzingerode’s troops, backed up by General Sacken’s infantry, on the Craonne plateau to block Napoleon’s advance. In his turn Blücher switched his line of march back towards La Ferté–sour–Jouarre, constructing a pontoon bridge across the Marne there and then once again turned his columns towards Meaux. The allied victory at the battle of Leipzig (October 16th-19th) cost the allies some 52,000 casualties, the French well over 50,000, but to these must also be added a further 30,000 taken prisoner, as well as another 20,000 killed, wounded or captured during the retreat. There is much confusion concerning the various infantry divisions and corps which constituted the French army during the 1814 campaign. Craonne, Hauts-de-France (Fransa) içindeki en iyi Doğa Yürüyüşü rotasını bulun. [, Lawford. Dominic, Russia Against Napoleon. Bataille de Craonne 04094.JPG 4,240 × 2,832; 10.34 MB. The village of Craonne on the plateau of Californie was the site of bloody fighting on 16 April 1917 during Nivelle's failed Offensives. De les 8 persones inactives 3 estaven jubilades, 3 estaven estudiant i 2 estaven classificades com a "altres inactius". [, Quoted in, Lawford. Craonne; Plateau de Californie Battlefield; Plateau de Californie Battlefield. Shop our best deals on 'Plateau de Craonne, northern France, c1914-c1918' Photographic Print by Unknown at AllPosters.com. On New Year’s Day 1814 Blücher crossed the Rhine at Koblenz, Mannheim and Kaub, forcing Marshal Marmont with his 10,000 men to fall back, and on the 12th January he had blockaded the French fortress at Metz; also the detachments left to watch the fortresses of Thionville, Mainz and Luxemburg had reduced the effective fighting force of the Army of Silesia to 50,000 men. WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help. Around the southern extremity of the Vosges mountains with approximately 10,000 men. By swinging north from Fismes and crossing the Aisne there the French emperor considered that he might just reach Laon before him. One needed to raise their eyes less far to look at him. Michael V. The Fall of Napoleon, The Allied Invasion of France 1813 – 1814. MUSEE DE LA GUERRE DE 1870 (GRAVELOTTE, FRANCE) The War of the Sixth Coalition engagement began when the bulk of Napoleon's army tried to drive Mikhail Semyonovich Vorontsov's 22,000 Russians off the Chemin des Dames plateau to the … After a brief clash at St Dizer Yorck corps advanced as far as Chalons, forcing part of Marshal Macdonald’s  command to evacuate the city and fall back to Epernay and Chateau Thirrey, keeping to the main road to Paris, on the left bank of the River Marne. [, Houssaye. It would therefore seem that, although a very thorough history of the campaign is given by Houssaye, he does tend to overlook Napoleon’s errors, or at least make excuses for him by pointing the figure at Moreau. [, Maycock. Blücher was not fully aware of Napoleon’s strength or intentions; likewise, the French Emperor was also under the impression that the enemy was retreating when, in fact, just the opposite was taking place; Blücher himself was planning to go over on the offensive. De cette guerre infâme C'est à Craonne sur le plateau Qu'on doit laisser sa peau Car nous sommes tous des condamnés Nous sommes les sacrifiés . Yet the remarkable fact is that the Second Guard Voltigeur Division had been in existence for little more than a month when it first underwent the ordeal of battle. Here, on the morning of 14th February, the old Field Marshal ran head–on into Napoleon’s main force. These northern heights again fall to a wooded marshy plain extending over some four miles [4.6 kilometres] up to Laon. From Napoleon to Nivelle, many men have died here. Observations on Classic accounts of The Battle of Blenheim 1704, A Military History and Atlas of the Napoleonic Wars. The right of Vorontsov’s line, as far as the village of Vassonge, was covered by a few squadrons of cavalry bolstered by several battalions of infantry, some of the latter spread out in skirmishing order. Unfortunately Napoleon’s plans came to naught. F.Loraine, Napoleon at Bay, 1814, page 127. This was heavy, even by Napoleonic standards, although it was by no means a record. Photographies publiées par l’hebdomadaire français Le Miroir le 10 juin 1917. Realising that he was outnumbered and having very few cavalry, Blücher ordered an immediate retreat to Etoges, keeping his artillery on the road while his infantry, forming squares, retired back across the fields on either side. The old man wiped his eyes and pulled himself up straight, ‘Waste and stupidity is what made me become a pacifist, and I will remain a pacifist as long as breath remains in my body-curse all wars!’. The plain south of Laon, between the Reims and Soissions roads, is extremely difficult for transverse communications, owing to the marshy fields in which, though the ground looks solid enough at a distance, a horse will sink to its hocks. In response to Napoleon’s call for more troops the allies delivered their own manifesto to the French people stating that: The French Government has just ordered a new levy of 300,000 conscripts. Le village avant 1914 avait une forme triangulaire correspondant aux trois rues principales et il s'étendait sur les pentes du plateau du Chemin des Dames, prenant à cet endroit le nom de « plateau de Craonne ». Both sides suffered almost equally badly, and neither emerged as a victor at the end, even though both sides certainly claimed the honour. View south west towards Vassogne from Basque memorial. Seeing no immediate threat materialising on his right flank, Napoleon ordered the attack to be pressed with vigour. The horse grenadiers and chasseurs, led by Laferriére, came cantering across the plateau from the Craonne mill, past Heurtebise Farm, gathering speed until they hit the Russian gun line, leaving a trail of mangled men and horses in their wake. Yves Gibeau shook his grey head and made an outward sweeping gesture with both arms. Quoted in, Leggiere, Michael V. The Fall of Napoleon. The Army will be informed that the Emperor intends to attack tomorrow morning. Sacken was a hard bitten old campaigner and ‘politician.’ The day after the battle, finally tracked down by his nervous and exhausted staff, who had lost him in the course of the retreat, he was as calm and self assured as always. Troop positions and location of photographs overlaid on modern map (2014). The absence of Langeron and Bülow’s corps meant that there were insufficient troop’s available to cover these eventualities. [, Petre. [, Maycock. Plateau de Californie The Final Battles of the Napoleonic First Empire, page 90. [, Petre. James, Napoleon, The Last Campaigns 1813- 1814  page 69. Paddy, A Book of Sandhurst Wargames, page 29. With what remained of Ney’s formations still in a condition to fight once more up on the plateau, the Emperor ordered all of the reserve artillery, together with the still serviceable cannon of Victor’s corps, to join Drouot’s Guard artillery. [, Griffith. [, Lieven. Photography. The problem was that with very few good lateral side road connections in this part of the country the concentration of his forces would prove slow and thus vulnerable to a sudden attack.26. This worm eaten shield consisted of the following: Much further south, a force under Marshal Charles–Pierre–Franҫois Augereau, Duke of Castiglione assembling around Lyons was keeping up communication with Marshal Nicolas Jean de Dieu Soult, Duke of Dalmatia and Marshal Louis–Gabriel Suchet, Duke of Albufera who were endeavouring to hang–on to what was left of the French forces in Spain which were being slowly forced back to the Pyrenees by the Duke of Wellington, thus preventing many veteran units within their respective commands from being transferred to the Rhine. He began writing and in 1952 published his most famous work, Allons z’enfants (Arise, Children), the title taken from the first line of La Marseillaise, in which he describes the stupidity and futility of disciplinarian dogmatism. Around Troyes with part of the Imperial Guard, plus other troops concentrating. The cavalry divisions under Exelmans and Colbert, under the overall command of General of Division Etienne–Marie–Antoine Champion de Nansouty, would move to turn the Russian right flank on the plateau near the village of Vassogne. He ordered Marshal Marmont to keep an eye on Blücher and directed Marshal Macdonald to countermach east. Here they began to smother the Russian position with a hail of metal. Unfortunately no help arrived; a message from Yorck arrived informing Sacken that owing to the deplorable state of the roads only a small portion of his infantry (General Georg von Pirch II with 4,000 men) would be able to get close to the battlefield to aid the Russians. Under these circumstances, how is it possible to believe that Napoleon could have cut off any large portion of Blücher’s army south of the Aisne by the morning of the 5th [March] , the latest time at which the allies would have been crossing, even if they had not had the bridge at Soissons? Indeed, so many had to be buried that the only solution was to dig mass grave pits, and around the plateau of the Chemin des Dames there must have been several. Invasion of France, 1814. Blücher’s losses amounted about 4,000 and he fell back east through the village of La Rothiere pursued by the French. However, Blücher’s attempt to pull his army together proved too late, Napoleon had already positioned himself between the Army of Silesia’s scattered corps.18, Having shattered Olsufiev, Napoleon now turned to deal with Yorck and Sacken. Quelques objectifs fixés par l’ambitieux plan de l’état-major sont atteints, mais les pertes sont considérables. Some, like Hastings, Bosworth and Culloden, are familiar to most of us. 364 -365, has the protocol of the meeting of 25th February. Troop positions overlayed on contemporary map (Staff Map 1820-166).http://www.geoportail.gouv.fr/ Troop dispositions during the battle.From: Atlas to Alison’s history of Europe (1848). The Final Battles of the First Napoleonic Empire, Reprint Oakpast Ltd, Leonaur.com, UK, 2008, Napoleon at Bay, 1814. All of this, as one would expect, was also now being considered within the increasingly limited options open to the French emperor. [, Griffith. The Battle for Europe 1807 – 1814, page 491. Finally the British Foreign Minister, Viscount Robert Stewart Castlereagh, representing British interests at the war council, and because effectively Britain was bank rolling the whole war, demanded that, because the consensus of opinion agreed that Bulow and Winzingerode should indeed join Blücher’s army, then Bernadotte would have his monthly subsidy withheld if he did not concur with the councils decisions–this bought Bernadotte to heel and consequently the Army of Silesia’s strength was increased to over 100,000 men.28, It was now agreed that Schwazenberg would detach sufficient troops from his army to protect its line of communication with Switzerland against any threat that may be posed by Marshal Augereau’s French forces gathering around Lyon, while the Army of Silesia and the Army of Bohemia would act independently but also in a similar fashion to the one adopted during the 1813 campaign in Germany, whereby if one army was opposed to Napoleon it would fall back while the other carried on towards Paris. Once both armies were within striking distance of their goal they would unite and offer a decisive battle.29, While Schwazenberg remained temporarily on the defensive, Blücher’s army now advanced north threatening Paris.

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