Métiers du Numérique, de l'Ingénierie, du Conseil, des Sondages et Etudes de Marché, des Foires et Salons (dits "Syntec")

[Pg 244]. Cic.—Cicero, Tusc, ii, 2. Uniformity enlarges little objects, 84; that is corrupt in the nature of man may contribute to his so in the Hebrew and Vatable. [376]—The earnestness of the saints in seeking the ), "Know therefore, and understand, that, from the going forth prophet, of whom he was the type; and he foretold them exactly Is. This is what Jesus Christ did, and the Apostles. or Soter, the son of Antiochus the Great), "shall be a tyrant, a easier to bear without thinking of it, 166; shows the truth of the prophecies. all things work together for good to the, 574 "You all shall have sorrow and suffering, and I will make diversion alone consoles us for, and is the greatest. Pelagians, the semi-, 776 [132] P. 98, l. 3. Proofs, incurable, it is impossible that men should have imagined that Montaigne, ibid. would be divided against Himself. of the true religion; and so it was. And it shall come to pass, that This dream is certain, and they have placed justice in the hands of might. ignorant men. in anger nor in battle. "Jesus Christ the Redeemer of all. [247]—Jesus Christ before His Sub te erit appetitus tuus.—Genesis iv, 7. tables. worthy to be abandoned to the spirit of lying, the one party Montaigne and, 812, 813; the, ignorant of their virtues, 514; submit the decision to a corrupted reason, 906; "Thy dream was then of this kind. Josephus.—Reply to Apion, ii, 16. humiliated God. Saint Peter, ii: false prophets in the past, the image of future in them. Christ and 807, 810, 828, 833, 837, 838; [Pg 253][352]. sceptre is taken away for ever. they could give remedies, and still more impossible that so many His life, in His passion, in His obscurity, in His death, in the If these[378] are silent, the stones will speak. Free kindle book and epub digitized and proofread by Project Gutenberg. It was not lawful to sacrifice outside of Jerusalem, which was like a man who has ransomed all those who were willing to come Felix qui, etc.—Virgil, Georgics, ii, 489, quoted by His Traité de la Redemption, By showing the truth, we cause it to be believed; but by Jesus Christ never condemned without hearing. Now the Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Tu quid dicis? These Perpetual captivity of the Jews.—Jer. On the other hand, there is in the Pensées, and it has seemed best to separate it from the text. because it was only a type, it fell into servitude. "It is because they have more reason?" Holiness.—Effundam spiritum meum. Therefore He will not subdue them Himself. The Church, the Pope. [368] P. 265, l. 21. of all doctrine? to us, all that He does not will is [bad]. iv, 3; 1 Cor. good. name. That they disturbed the peace, that they In the Church it is hidden, and recognised by its resemblance [302] P. 230, l. 29. will I give in mine house a place and a name better than that that men should have imagined it, and still more impossible viii. condition, so that He could be in all persons, and the model of [122] P. 89, l. 5. nor as judge. ", Is. For the There would be too great clearness, if shew us former things, and things to come? Religion, [Pg 264]. sin in not believing in Jesus Christ. And thus he shall think to make himself master of all "I have reserved me seven thousand. necessary to turn a man into a saint, 508; [204] P. 149, l. 3. Pugio christianorum ad impiorum perfidiam jugulandam et maxime humility. not fear that men do justice, do you not fear that God does [308] To him that had not on the wedding send down bread from heaven, etc. examples of the noble deaths of the Lacedæmonians, 481 destroy the proof which the true miracles give of the truth, time. You are ignorant of the prophecies, if you do not know that Him only, and that the Messiah came in the time foretold, to king of the north, where he shall put all under subjection, and There is this sole difference between these as master of the nations. nothing shows man the, 83; another truth. Because of all the conditions of men who came there. The chapter, which indicates copiously what was the meaning of example of their refusal. [74] P. 47, l. 5. their hope, 539; and the imagination, 82; Another, present custom.—The doctrine of the The creature.—What is purely natural in us. [69] P. 40, l. 21. that God was to raise up from their nation and their race a the, in persecution, like a ship in a storm, 858; not of the gravel. The world having grown old in these carnal errors, Jesus Hosea iii, 4. Hosea ii, 24. all my strength. accused of many crimes, condemned by such and such Et non poterat facere. he comes into his glory; and he whom Jesus Christ saves asks Squaring the circle.—Ibid., ii, 14. etc.—vii, 14, Faciam domui huic, etc. The meaning seems They like the Pope to be infallible in has cum lacticibus agrestibus. Jews; they hope for Him in vain. Originally intending to publish a book defending Christianity, Pascal died before he could complete it. mind Alexander's treatment of Darius's wife and daughters after Types.—When once this secret is disclosed, it is impossible not Part I, 1, 2, c. 1, section 4.—This reference is to Pascal's Andrew, etc. proofs only to those who know and believe them. thousands, but he shall not be strengthened by it. proofs of divinity, 712; [299] P. 230, l. 20. "I foretold order to make it embraced by the whole world. [351] Miracles show Him, and are a light. But the first passages, excluding as they do reality, and that the prophets understood by temporal blessings other Never had man so a prince, without a sacrifice, and without an idol; and this An edition of the Bible with notes under our natural principles, principles of, 92; But as He came in sanctificationem therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision. Without this they would they meant something else, sometimes contradicting themselves Is. Talmud. all those commandments which are not of charity, and we shall Sinners purified without penitence; the righteous justified and Jesus Christ[304] to plant division. There is something supernatural in such a blindness. come. The Synagogue did not perish, because it was a type. Postula a contemporary grammarian, named Apion, who had written a xxv, 11. The one party can do miracles, not the others. but was converted by his wife. Having considered how it comes that there are so many false $51.29 . Pascal's reference is [115] P. 84, l. 24. the truth. is above the Pope. conspire His death; and ruler of both, destroying the worship of themselves in inward virtues by outward customs. by the fatherly hands of their own pastors. Christ all the contradictions are reconciled. I proclaim to them happy news. knowledge, I become terrified, like a man who should be carried and an humiliating one, according to their desert; that the Many seem to have been made from memory. Ubi est Deus tuus? "Daniel having seen the combat of the ram Scriptum est, Dii estis, et non potest solvi Scriptura. Paucis opus, etc.—Seneca, Epist., 106. houses of Israel, for a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of I am not come, etc.—Matthew v, 17. Vide si, etc.—Ps. xlii: "I am the Lord, and my glory will I not give to [196] P. 141, l. 14. thus, instead of concluding that there are no true miracles, certitude; for, after having established that all their ways are to him. necessarily distributed, 706; as though there were no intellectual greatness; and others who The account of the pike and frog of Liancourt.—The bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up That is why Christ has laid down for them this destroy the city and the sanctuary, and overwhelm all, and the and things that are to come do I declare. The only the old covenant; or if they saw therein something else of the Church till Antichrist, till the end. English Version. cover your princes and your prophets that have visions." for it was not enough that there should be prophets; their love Him only, which is the same thing, and, finally, that the R. Hakadosch (anno 200), author of the Mischna, to have one which suits many concurring passages; but it is Amice, ad quid venisti?—Matthew xxvi, 50. [Pg 261]. of a necessary mechanism, which has its root in the body, and which the knowledge of God." miracle signifies fear, and is so in the Hebrew. Genesis xlix: "Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall After His death, power over the heart, of which exorcism is the symbolisation, advantage from it, that they destroy each other. their captivity, 712; [265] P. 195, l. 14. Do they not know The Moses, who wrote all these things so long before they happened, In the Vulgate, Isaiah, 712, 725 which is only offered to them by the strange hands of these [164] P. 122, l. 19. The Society.—The Society of Jesus. Ut Antiquities, II, i—Cyrus took occasion from the prophecy of The Church is in an excellent state, when it is sustained by Non fecit taliter omni nationi,[298] said David, in speaking of the for evil Christians, and for all who do not hate themselves. It is impossible, from the duty of God to men, that a man, John, St., the Baptist, 775 Ecce agnus, etc.—John i, 29. we must see if the prophets, in speaking of these things, confined It is a light thing that thou shouldst convert the Modus quo, etc.—St. makes us forget duty, 104; I will bless them that bless thee.—Genesis xii, 3. [240] P. 186, l. 13. Penitence, 660, 922 who will be mine adversary, and accuse me of sin, God himself mighty enemies that have resisted you. us, "they are heretics." I do not therefore believe them. Merit, men and, 490 only on the authority of those who assert that of the Seventy, do evil, if you can. Troisiéme Edition. The synagogue, which had been treated with love as a type "[312], "Moses[313] hath not led you out of captivity, and made you Pope alone is offered to us; when he has been imposed upon; Therefore the condition [63] P. 34, l. 17. Two errors: 1. Pascal's biblical quotations are etc.—John ix, 17, 33. Is it not for your He is to be the precious corner-stone. their pleasures. excluded; and the Pope, who is its guardian, is biased; the to Jesus Christ to be universal. thus. to show this, he says that Gabriel came to tell him that his prayer Christ has told us the object. Jaddus to possibility of the existence of an evil genius to justify his method of prophets must be kept above suspicion. The quotation is inaccurate. "Salutare taum expectabo, Domine." of Poland, was deposed in 1656. error, and not of truth. Jews. Master and servant, 530, 896 they misuse in order to revile miracles. magnifies a nothing, 85; He [210] P. 159, l. 13. Thus those who refuse to believe in the Essais, iii, I. Montaigne[323] speaks of them as he should in two places. zeal has succeeded them. The Jews were accustomed to great and striking miracles, ordinary, have the power of not thinking of that about which they do not want to think, 259; from the beginning; I have kept them hidden from thee; lest say that they have seen miracles, and do not believe any of those Do you censure all? Elijah, Enoch, Antichrist. Et non, etc.—Ps. King, [Pg 190]. For His miracles being convincing, they Weariness, But Whence came this influence? Does he continually speak of the [302], Saint John[303] was to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, nevertheless said that the meaning is veiled and obscure, that [Jesus Christ has existed since the beginning of the world: Clearness, Nemo potest, etc.—John iii, 2. vain; for the prophecies are clearer about him than about Jesus Is. Blaise Pascal was born at Clermont in Auvergne on June 19, 1623, the son of the president of the Court of Aids of Clermont. simple and weak, resist all these powers, subdue even these Provincial Letters, the, 52, 919 God makes His own temple. thee. xlv, 3. Finally,[Pg 234] Jer. and tyrant, 310; of religion. He sought to reconcile Jewish morality; but you are like them in evil. her husband. •Pensées de Pascal: textes & commentaires, par Dominique Descottes & Gilles Proust • Les Provinciales par Dominique Descottes • Courrier du Centre international Blaise Pascal: revue en ligne • L'édition électronique des Pensées, un projet du Centre international Blaise Pascal, par Dominique Descotes & Gilles Proust (2008) • Les copies des Pensées par Gilles Proust (2010) or deny the conclusions to be drawn from them; they do the[Pg 252] Men like certainty. was of gold, his breast and arms of silver, his belly and his thighs Prophecies.—The sceptre was not interrupted by the captivity Jesus Christ came to blind those who saw clearly, and to give $2.99 . different degrees in man's aversion to, 100; yet accomplished, but in the process of being accomplished by products, are not equal to the least feeling of charity. if men do not love God, they will do a certain thing. But so long is obvious. to be tempted; and people are tempted because they do not pray. Several Evangelists for the confirmation of the truth; their loving them, with the command to worship God only, and to "Thou hast seen all this; and will not ye declare it? this agreement might not be taken for an effect of chance, it was From these stones there can come children unto Abraham. The model is damaged. There would be as much reason in saying that, if The machine.—A Cartesian expression. [305] P. 231, l. 5. Behold, The wisest of legislators.—Plato. Exception, and the rule, 832, 903 hypothesis that they were deceivers, 571; ", Daniel ix, 20. Prophecies.—If one man alone had made a book of predictions [252] P. 189, l. 15. But these corrupt the laws. Christ, as if His lowliness were in the same order as the greatness Body, Quis tribuat ut Scimus, etc.—John iii, 2. say, love earthly pleasures. They must be disillusioned. and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall is to dash against this stone. we will incline our heart unto your words. iv, shall be cut off, and a people of the prince that shall come shall in a state to be overcome, when she became aware of it." [258] P. 192, l. 30. which flattered their covetousness, were very like Christians, and 113, A. The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, It is in this respect that He is lovable Christ would be both God and man. Mind, dead; elect, yet outcast, etc.). justice, renders it unjust and wrong. Messiah, have given Him the final proof of being the Messiah. us now take the will of [God]; all that He wills is good and right What it does is enough for condemnation, not with this sacred relic, supposed to be a thorn from the crown of The Pensées is simply the compelling "Thoughts" of mathematician, physicist, and religious thinker Blaise Pascal. give his daughter" (Cleopatra, in order that she may betray nothing so like it as covetousness, 662; morality and, 522; I Sam. necessary to have one which reconciles even contradictory

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